What’s the purpose of state media communicating out the choke point report you mentioned?

My mental model here is that the party comes to some policy consensus at the elite level, behind closed doors (and then implementation is a tops down process). Maybe my undergrad comp pol class framework is out of date?

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I love how the term 卡脖子 used to be machine translated as “stuck neck”

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As far as I can tell from Google Translate, it still is rendered "stuck neck," which has its own quirky charm. Have you seen other, better machine translations?

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DeepL has it as stranglehold!

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Chinese Chokeholds have nothing to do with economic reality,,, what's a China chokehold worth if a person that works at a McDonald's in California and he or she make 99% more income than "all" the workers in China ....

If you got on a boat and said ,, where shall I take my family to make a living wage income ,, take your choice,, China or America?

Chinese chokeholds ?,,sure ?

I bet you a McDonald's double you don't get in the C line .

Have a great day my friends .

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