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China’s political system is famously opaque??

Au contraire, mon brave! Apart from the addition of democratic oversight, China's political system is unchanged in 1500 years and is working better than ever.

Perhaps you meant China's personnel selection system? Even that is more transparent than ours. Witness the opacity of donors' motives and candidates' promises, for example. Or the selection of a former escort and present alcoholic as our future president.

We know exactly the criteria for advancement in China and we have the personnel files on every candidate to succeed Xi, all the way back to their gaokao results. We know where they succeeded and where they failed in every posting, and we know that candidates must survive several rounds of negative voting to win (Xi won on the third ballot).

Selecting leaders by acclamation has been popular since Mongol times, but it is entirely unsuited to choosing 21st centuries, which is why we consistently get stinkers and they consistently get winners.

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